Sunday, January 14, 2007


To me, there is always one distinctive day when spring begins. This year, that day was last Friday, March 12. The air had a sweeter smell, and even though it was (and is) still, cold, winter is finally over.

This weekend was a busy one, comprising everything from a seminar focused on self-discovery (part of my psychotherapy course), the beautiful wedding I attended with my friend JH, a party where I worked at the bar and a visit from a long-lost friend. A rich, full weekend it was.

My daughter keeps asking me to sing a spring song as if she, too, knew that a new season has begun:

Kommt die Sonne, kommt die Sonne
kommt der Frühling bald,
kommt der helle, der helle Frühling
kommt der Frühling bald.

The sun is coming out,
spring is coming,
bright, bright spring
is coming soon.
